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Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf

Democracy is a Jewish plot:

“In order to mask his activity and lull his victims, however, he talks more and more of the equality of all men without regard to race and color. The fools begin to believe him.


“Since, however, his whole being still has too strong a smell of the foreign for the broad masses of the people in particular to fall readily into his nets, he has his press give a picture of him which is as little in keeping with reality as conversely it serves his desired purpose. His comic papers especially strive to represent the Jews as a harmless little people, with their own peculiarities, of course — like other peoples as well — but even in their gestures, which seem a little strange, perhaps, giving signs of a possibly ludicrous, but always thoroughly honest and benevolent, soul. And the constant effort is to make him seem almost more ‘insignificant’ than dangerous.


“His ultimate goal in this stage is the victory of ‘democracy,’ or, as he understands it: the rule of parliamentarianism. It is most compatible with his requirements; for it excludes the personality — and puts in its place the majority characterized by stupidity, incompetence, and last but not least, cowardice” (316).  



“From the smallest community cell to the highest leadership of the entire Reich, the state must have the personality principle anchored in its organization.


“There must be no majority decisions, but only responsible persons, and the word ‘council ’ must be restored to its original meaning. Surely every man will have advisers by his side, but the decision will be made by one man.


“The principle which made the Prussian army in its time into the most wonderful instrument of the German people must some day, in a transferred sense, become the principle of the construction of our whole state conception: authority of every leader downward and responsibility upward.


“Even then it will not be possible to dispense with those corporations which today we designate as parliaments. But their councillors will then actually give counsel; responsibility, however, can and may be borne only by one man, and therefore only he alone may possess the authority and right to command.


“Parliaments as such are necessary, because in them, above all, personalities to which special responsible tasks can later be entrusted have an opportunity gradually to rise up.


“This gives the following picture:


“The folkish state, from the township up to the Reich leadership, has no representative body which decides anything by the majority, but only advisory bodies which stand at the side of the elected leader, receiving their share of work from him, and in turn if necessary assuming unlimited responsibility in certain fields, just as on a larger scale the leader or chairman of the various corporations himself possesses.


“As a matter of principle, the folkish state does not tolerate asking advice or opinions in special matters — say, of an economic nature — of men who, on the basis of their education and activity, can understand nothing of the subject. It, therefore, divides its representative bodies from the start into political and professional chambers.


“In order to guarantee a profitable cooperation between the two, a special senate of the elite always stands over them.


“In no chamber and in no senate does a vote ever take place. They are working institutions and not voting machines. The individual member has an advisory, but never a determining, voice. The latter is the exclusive privilege of the responsible chairman.


“This principle — absolute responsibility unconditionally combined with absolute authority — will gradually breed an elite of leaders such as today, in this era of irresponsible parliamentarianism, is utterly inconceivable” (449-50).


Anti-Parliamentarianism through the "Personality Principle":

"... the folkish state must free all leadership and especially the highest -- that is, the political leadership -- entirely from the parliamentary principle of majority rule -- in other words, mass rule -- and instead absolutely guarantee the right of the personality. ... There must be no majority decisions, but only responsible persons, and the word 'council' must be restored to its original meaning. Surely every man will have advisors by his side, but the decision will be made by one man" (449).
Note: Second book, chapter IV, 2/3 of the way through the chapter. 



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